DCC Sound Decoders with Exceptional Loco Sound
We offer the highest fidelity authentic steam loco sounds. Your favourite loco's convincing steam sounds will delight you. Our DCC Sound decoders are the best on the market. If you're into steam heritage model railways then you will love these products. Locoman has built a strong reputation for recording British steam locos sound effects. Please check the samples to experience the accuracy and clarity these products deliver.
ESU Loksound Authorized Dealer

Please purchase with confidence from this website. All our products come with full warranty. This covers the sound projects too. Any problems then we will sort them out. We have the concession to be an authorised dealer for ESU Lok Sound.
Warranty Issues Postage Fees
Please note that any item received for warranty issues will be subjects to 2 postage fees.
A postage fee to send the damaged/ faulty item to Rapido Trains and a second postage fee to return it back to the sender.
Film Producers Credit to LocomanSounds from Three Chimneys Films Limited, Studio Canal
We are pleased and proud to know that the RAILWAY CHILDREN RETURN movie producers, Three Chimneys Films Limited, have issued their credit to Locomansounds.com for the help provided in the recordings for the 4F and for the Bahamas.
History of Locoman Sounds
With a profound long-held interest in model railways, Locoman set out on a journey to record and then distribute the finest fidelity model railway sound effects currently available for UK based locos. His passion shows through when the trains fitted with loco sound trains chuff along with such a convincing, clear audio. As with all the fine things in life Locoman's DCC chips will greatly enhance your enjoyment of your chosen hobby adding needed realism that will make your heart sing. They will evoke a warm glow thinking of the hardy souls who stoked these magnificent machines. Working hard in the railway's golden era when steam locomotives were certainly the kingpin of the country's transport infrastructure. Probably the best steam DCC sound projects.

ESU DCC Sound Projects from £120