DCC Sound Trains Decoder for the B1 Thompson Version
Find out more about the B1 Thompson by clicking here.
For further instructions on programming, see the detailed Lok sound Select (steam/diesel) manual available at
Overall volume control is through CV 63. Default setting is CV63=128, Max Volume is CV63=192
Volumes can also be set individually (see table below) after setting CV 31 = 16 and CV32 = 1
The LNER Thompson B1s were fitted with a standard LNER short bell whistle. This was used on many different LNER locomotives and could play many different tones depending on how it was used. To provide variety, we have included 3 different types of whistle on F2, and also 3 different whistles with echo on F14. These can be selected by change the value of specific CVs
The regular variable whistle is on F2 which can be changed through CV162 and is set to 0 by default, but if you program CV162 to a value of 1, it will be set to play another variable whistle. Both the variable whistles have different starts and ends that can play randomly each time. If CV162 is set to 2, it will play a fixed length clip each time the function key is pressed. There are 3 different clips that will be randomly played for each time the function is pressed.
Programming can be done either on using Ops mode (often listed as Programming on the Main or POM), or on the programming track (often listed as service mode). If you have a Lok programmer, these can be programmed using the Driver's Cab programming box, or can also be done under Sound Slot settings in the Decoder pages.
Don’t forget, if you get stuck or muck something up, you can always reset the decoder to the default values, but this will obviously wipe out any programming you may have done yourself.
This project includes long variable length whistle plus short and fancy whistle.
All sounds are in fine 16-bit quality without artifacts or background noise.
High Speed Whistle on F6 and Fancy whistle on F14
Furthermore, our projects offer features such as
-Laboured chuff on every 4th beat
- Rod clanks both when under power and louder when coasting
- 3 Different whistles available on F2 by setting the value of CV 162 to 0, 1 or 2. The Default value is CV162=0 .
-F3 is a short clip of the regular whistle and only has one version so is not changeable, but plays one of 3 different whistles randomly each time the function is pressed.
-F5: Drain cocks (2 choices are available through changing the value of CV161 to 0 or 1, default CV161=1 which plays drain cocks timed to exhaust chuffs)
-F6 is the regular whistle but blown in typical LNER fashion with lots variation in tone.
-F14 is the regular whistle but recorded or processed to have an echo. There are 3 separate clips that again are selectable via CV, this time with CV160. By default, CV160 is set to 0, but can be changed to any value from 0-2 to play a separate clip. These are all fixed length clips and will play once.
-In addition to the whistles, there are two different styles of drain cocks, one that plays continuously, and one that plays timed to the exhaust chuffs. These are selectable through CV161 with a value of 0 or 1. By default, CV161 is set to 1 for the timed drain cocks.
- F20 Transit over point activates only when F17 shunting mode is selected.
- quick response to controller commands
- active brake
- Wheel slip when throttle fully open
- automatic coasting in shunting mode ( adjustable)
- volume setting by F-key
-semi automatic wagons clashing sound effect (off when stationary)
All values are adjustable by CVs.
Not to mention the project contains
- curve squeal speed dependent
- coach doors slamming
- brake valves
- water fill sound.
Besides, coal shovelling is always synchronized with Aux1, even as a random sound. Plus a whole spectrum of authentic sounds adding to your driving pleasure.
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Model Railway Sound Effects for the B1 Thompson 4-6-0
This is a Sound decoder that's ready to install. Make a choice of the model you want with the micro or standard fitting connector.
Locoman Sounds records model railway sound effects from each individual loco. You'll find no archive material in our products. None of the chips contains amateur recordings. We use the highest fidelity recording technology available. Locoman Sounds' products contain sound taken from our on location recordings. We record from a particular locomotive not recordings taken from other locos.
We have a variety of authentic British loco recordings. To this we add the best on the market ESU loksound decoders. We load the prototype chip with the high fidelity sound. Our technician work on it to make it enhance your driving experience. The secret is the crystal clear original sound. We mix this with market leading synchronization with how the motor is being driven. They then offer the highest level of return of enjoyment on investment.